Monday, August 25, 2014

Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid: Perfect Woman

Few women in Islamic history elicit more pride in the hearts and minds of Muslims than Khadijah binti Khuwaylid. As the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), she was also the first convert to Islam – earning her the title ‘mother of all the Muslims’.

For Muslim girls everywhere, Khadijah is one of the first female role models introduced by parents and teachers of religion. A self-made businesswoman, Khadijah was many years older than Muhammad when the two met. She proposed marriage to him – and when he received his first revelations, she provided him counsel. Trembling and filled with fear, Muhammad sought comfort in Khadijah’s words: ‘Joyful tidings dost thou bring… Allah will not suffer thee to fall to shame. Hast thou not been loving to thy kinsfolk, kind to thy neighbours, charitable to the poor, hospitable to the stranger, faithful to thy word, and ever a defender of the truth?’

Those who admire Khadijah’s example reside on all points across the ideological spectrum. To conservative and more modern Muslims alike, Khadijah represents the ideal Muslim woman. She was both accomplished and deeply faithful. She had already created her own success, yet was also a devoted wife and mother. In the first years of Islam, it was Khadijah who funded the spread of Muhammad’s message. It was she who remained patient, stoic and devoted as her husband’s message invited the scorn of those who did not believe in the one God. anger, faithful to thy word, and ever a defender of the truth?’

The justification for denying girls an equal chance at success lies in archaic interpretations of religion

Sadly, not all who invoke Khadijah’s name wish to see young Muslim girls reach their fullest potential. Radicals in Afghanistan have targeted girls’ schools with poison gas, and have maimed female pupils with acid. Across the Muslim world, girls are married off and robbed of the opportunity to gain an education or even achieve basic literacy. In Yemen, Jordan, Sudan and other Muslim-majority nations, it is commonplace for families to send boys, not girls, to school. In some cases, financial hardship is to blame. More often, though, the justification for denying girls an equal chance at success lies in archaic interpretations of religion.

The clerics, fathers and brothers who defend Islam’s position on women to the non-Muslim world by invoking Khadijah’s name are often those most guilty of offenses against women. These are men who, despite their proclaimed love for the Prophet, insult him more severely than any non-Muslim critic ever could. Khadijah’s many achievements, her independence and wisdom did not threaten Muhammad. Rather, they inspired him to remain steadfast despite the treacherous path he faced, and he was conscious of the fact that his work would have been impossible without her faithful partnership. Crimes against girls – violence, denial of equal access to education, prohibition from full participation in society – are an insult to our faith, the Prophet Muhammad and the legacy of Khadijah.

There is nothing contradictory about being a powerful Muslim female

To me, Khadijah’s example is both a promise and a call to action. Her immense faith, resilience, and ambition assure Muslim girls the world over that despite whatever obstacles lie in our path, there is nothing contradictory about being a powerful Muslim female. Khadijah’s example is a call to action because, despite the fact that she faced scrutiny, ostracism and extraordinary challenges, she remained steadfast in her mission, kindness and generosity. The question becomes, then: how do we not just invoke, but also live Khadijah’s legacy?

Many Muslims are making incredible efforts to advance women’s rights – often with the help of compassionate and dedicated non-Muslim allies. They understand that we must not just speak of women’s rightful place in Islam. We must also fight to regain it. Our faith is on our side.

Individual women who honour Khadijah’s legacy by helping women and girls realise their full potential include Deeyah, a Norwegian Muslim singer of South Asian descent who founded the Sisterhood project aimed at providing a platform for young Muslim female musicians to be heard; Nazanin Afshin-Jam, an Iranian activist working to end child executions; and Zainab al-Suwaij, a US-based Iraqi woman who founded the American Islamic Congress in order to provide a forum for truly moderate Islamic thought to thrive. The organisation works to protect dissidents and promote understanding. Women Living Under Muslim Laws is a global organisation addressing many issues of crucial importance to Muslim women, from ‘honour’ violence to political participation.

Men can advance Khadijah’s legacy as well. For example, Abdou Bala Marafa, the Emir of Gobir, is a tribal religious leader in Niger and a champion against child marriage. He has organised the Good Conduct Brigades – a group of men and women who travel on motorbikes to rescue girls from early marriage. His group also conducts community trainings on the dangers of child marriage, and promotes equal education for girls. In Egypt, the Respect Yourself campaign works to end the sexual harassment and sexually-based violence so rampant on the country’s streets. The group targets primarily boys and men aged 14 to 24, but has female members as well. Through educational campaigns, rallies and even on-the-street intervention, the group has brought attention to the hostility many Egyptian women endure every day.

The women featured in every issue of this magazine’s Fabulous Muslimah column also live Khadijah’s legacy. Their work reminds us that we too have a God-given right to pursue the full extent of our potential. They join the many Muslim men and women who work daily to improve the plight of women and girls worldwide. However, until every Muslim girl knows that she can truly live Khadijah’s example herself, our work is far from over.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Kutipan cerita daripada Dr. Mustafa Murad

Tubuh Abdullah bin Khabab, sahabat Nabi itu diseret kemudian disiksa hingga tewas. Belum puas, Hubla isteri Abdullah mengalami nasib lebih tragis. Perutnya dibelah dan isinya dikeluarkan. Keluarganya dari anak anak hingga orang tua juga dibantai tidak tersisa.

Begitulah cerita yang saya kutip dari Dr. Mustafa Murad, guru besar ahlussunah Universiti Al-Azhar. Pelaku sadis tersebut adalah Khawarij, kaum pembangkang di zaman pemerintahan Saidina Ali, sepupu dan sahabat Nabi Muhammad. Peristiwa memilukan itu lalu menjadi alasan sahih bagi Saidina Ali untuk memulai operasi ketenteraan menumpaskan Khawarij.

Sesaat sebelum perang melawan pembangkang khawarij di Nahrawan meletus, Saidina Ali mengutus sahabat besar Nabi Muhammad, Abdullah bin Abbas untuk berdialog dan menyelidiki keadaan mereka.

Mari kita dengarkan penjelasan Abdullah bin Abbas tentang ciri-ciri Khawarij, “Mereka adalah kaum yang menakjubkan dalam hal ibadah. Tampak bekas-bekas sujud di dahi mereka. Siang hari mereka berpuasa dan malam hari diisi dengan tahajjud dan membaca al-Quran. Mereka adalah qari dan kaum penghafal al-Quran. Tubuh mereka kurus dan pucat karena banyak berpuasa. Pakaian mereka tampak kasar dan menjauhi dunia. Mungkinkah mereka tersesat?”

Ketika mendengar penjelasan Ibnu Abbas, sambil memandang kejauhan, Saidina Ali menjawab : “Wahai Ibnu Abbas, seandainya tidak ada aku (setelah Rasulullah), maka tidak ada seorangpun yang sanggup dan yakin melawan mereka. Tapi cukuplah sebagai bukti kebenaranku, bahawa esok setelah peperangan, tidak lebih 10 orang dari mereka yang masih hidup, dan tidak lebih dari 10 orang pasukanku yang binasa.”

Ucapan Saidina Ali terbukti. Setelah perang, hanya 7 orang pasukan Ali yang binasa dan hanya 9 orang pasukan Khawarij yang hidup.

Jauh sebelum Perang Nahwaran terjadi, Rasulullah Saw sudah meramalkan kedatangan mereka. Dahulu, di zaman Nabi di Madinah, ada seorang yang jika tibanya waktu solat, dia sudah datang sebelum sahabat nabi datang. Dan masih solat, saat sahabat Nabi pulang. Kagum atas ibadah orang ini, sahabat Nabi menceritakan kepada Nabi. Ketika Nabi melihatnya, Nabi berkata, “Aku seperti melihat bekas tamparan setan diwajahnya.”

Lalu Nabi mendatangi orang tersebut dan bertanya,”Apakah waktu kamu solat, kamu merasa tidak ada yang lebih baik dari dirimu?”

“Benar, “ jawab orang tersebut, sambil masuk ke masjid.

Nabi Muhammad lalu berkata kepada sahabatnya,”Kelak akan muncul kaum dari keturunan orang tersebut. Bacaan al-Quran kamu tidak ada nilainya dibandingkan bacaan mereka, dan solat kamu tidak ada nilainya dibandingkan solat mereka, dan puasa kamu tidak ada ertinya dibandingkan puasa mereka. Mereka membaca al-Quran sehingga kamu akan menyangka bahawasanya Al-Quran itu milik mereka saja, padahal sebenarnya Al-Quran itu akan melaknat mereka. Umatku akan menderita di tangan mereka. Merekalah seburuk-buruknya manusia. Jika aku hidup saat itu, aku akan bangkit melawan mereka.” (Shahih Bukhari/ Muslim)

Jadi, manusia paling buruk dimuka bumi, menurut Nabi Muhammad, ternyata bukanlah kaum pagan, atau kaum musyrik, atau kaum penyembah berhala atau ateis. Ternyata manusia yang paling buruk menurut Nabi, adalah mereka yang justru menjadi ahli ibadah, ahli sujud, ahli al-Quran dan ahli puasa tetapi merasa paling baik dan merasa paling menjalankan syariah Islam. Mereka menganggap solat kita tidak sebanding dengan solat mereka, puasa kita dipandang dibandingkan puasa mereka tetapi saat bersamaan mereka mengkafirkan siapapun yang tidak sependapat dengan mereka. Selain itu, mereka berani menumpahkan darah siapapun yang beroposisi dengan mereka.

Maka jika anda melihat orang beserban dan berjidat hitam kerana banyak sujud, maka anda jangan kagum terlebih dahulu. Perhatikan, apakah dia mudah mengkafirkan orang lain atau merasa kelompoknya yang paling baik? Jika jawabannya ya, mungkin orang tersebut sudah terjangkit virus Khawarij. Mereka adalah manusia yang paling buruk.

Kaum yang merasa paling suci dan paling baik inilah yang diperangi Saidina Ali di Nahrawan. Mereka memang ditumpas habis oleh Saidina Ali, tapi embrio Khawarij abadi.

during and after prayer..
